Hooray, things are finishing! Jan's hat is done, turned out pretty snazzy, though I wish I'd used a different yarn. The slow gradation of
Moda Dea's Tweedle Deeyarn in Blue Heather was not well suited to the hat I'd chosen for her, since it had a cuff knit separately that you pick up stitches on the side to make the top. Nice yarn though. The skein I got was mostly blue, with a leeeeettle bit of the purple in the middle. The skeins are more impressive in person. Unfortunately, I have no pics of this hat yet.

I do have two other hats to show, though: the emergency Cold Sister hat and Vaughn's
Tychus is done ... which I plan on sending to him soon. You know, whenever I get to the post office. For some reason ... the gauge is horribly, horribly wrong somewhere between my knitting and the pattern. The pattern calls for 5 of these triangles ... I finished three and went "y'know ... this looks hat sized." Measured it ... remeasured ... and indeed, it was time to stop. So ... err ... it's a little pointier than it ought to be. Next time....I will not do it double stranded, as required by the pattern. It also says you don't have to wrap or anything on the short rows...err, hello? There's holes! Being my first short row project, I did not realize that this would happen. Well, you live, you learn.
On to the next hat. My sister has moved to Salt Lake City and with the oncoming winter, has realized she's cold. Somehow, when one becomes a knitter, one feels responsible for keeping loved ones warm. I received an emergency call for a brown hat. This was whipped up in a few hours or so, easy peasy. It's fast becoming my favorite hat pattern, modified from the Flame Head hat in
Stitch'n'Bitchfor solid and now, in the round! This has two former incarnations; one for me *gasp* and the first for my Dad, which can be seen in action
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on Mom's sweater. Speaking of sweaters...I need to do something with
my first sweater. It isn't very flattering...should I rip it out? Add a cowl/turtleneck/some sort of collar? I love the yarn...but the the whole design of the sweater is too boxy.