Much has been accomplished since my last post in the throes of Christmas Knitting Panic. Dad's vest turned out beautifully and I should have pictures of it whenever the parents get around to taking some. Mom's sweater (pictured, though she hates this picture) was a success though the fronts seem to stretch longer than the back (or I knit them that way. Who knows.) Nothing blocking won't fix, right? I still have to knit up the belt for it but that seems like such a boring project compared to the vastness of the sweater I'm having trouble starting it. Barbara's Pewter Coat is dead in the water, as they say. We have reconciled by picking a new sweater (the Placed Cable Aran) which is already chugging along at a good pace.
I frogged my first sweater once my BALL WINDER AND SWIFT (woohoo!) were gifted to me, and have since knit it into the Citrus Yoke pullover. I love it. I've even gotten to wear it a few times since it was finished. Plans for my next sweater for me are already in the works.
My yarn stash is growing. I remember when I used to say I wasn't going to have a stash. Silly me.
I am also participating in Sock Wars III to provide motivation for my first pair of socks and let me tell you, I hate knitting socks. Thankfully, I will be put out of my misery shortly.
So, things on the needles: Barbara's sweater (which is GORGEOUS!), Detonator socks.
Soon to be on the needles: Dad's Uber Hat, more sweaters. (Did I mention knitting in the round is where it's at?)
I hope this satisfies some of you for a bit. Now that I've started my own business, blogging is towards the bottom of my list, especially now I have Ravelry to help me keep track of my projects, but I'll try to at least update quarterly. More pictures coming soon, I hope.